In this, the Season 4 finale, winter time only has days left but the stouts remain and they are everywhere. Jason and Bri highlight six different stouts from 903 Brewers, Mast Landing, Double Wing, Buffalo Brewing Company, Scale House Brewery and a special 4-way collaboration. All while talking about a recent experience with Bierstachein, some upcoming travel and the WNY Winter Hiking Challenge.
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Wow, your clock, it's so big, I love to watch the numbers. Oh, boy. Let's actually start.
Yeah, that's right. Oh, geez, you know, and the one thing I didn't do was talking about notes, but I know exactly what we were drinking early on because we're going to be talking about some stout action and a little bit of Porter action, but mostly stout action. We have, I don't know, I mean, it's been a few weeks since we've been on and some things have happened.
I mean, you're once again, you know, down with the sickness, so, you know, so I don't know what we can do at this point. I don't know.
Just take me out and kill me.
No, I, you know, I think, I think the, I think the majority decided we were going to put you inside of a bubble.
Yes, it's probably a good idea.
Nobody was allowed to hug your bubble, right? And can they come inside the bubble and hug you? No, that's not allowed.
You know, prior to COVID, they were like, you can over sanitize and, you know, do all this stuff. And then COVID happened and they were like, everyone needs to sanitize dot, dot, dot, dot, dot, dot, dot, dot, right? And so I'm that person who like will sanitize or like wash my hands or whatever.
I won't eat with my hands unless they're clean. Like, I don't, I am very, like, I don't ever touch my eyes, nose, ears, like the parts that you always tell your kids, like, don't just touch your face. Right.
And we just came back from a cruise where it was like overkill on the sanitation.
Yeah. And then I feel like, how do I get these germs? You know, all I can figure is there's so many people in the office because now you can't be at home every day.
So more and more people are in the office and which just means like more and more germs coming like in and out, you know, but yep. So here we are.
That's okay.
But I'm better than I was.
Yeah. So your infectious laugh that everybody likes to talk about is just a little more deep and raspy.
Yeah. Sorry. That's okay.
But so yeah, we started off the day going into some of our stouts. We brought some of them downstairs with us here in the Montforster's podcast studio where we started off earlier today. We start off with the 903 Brewers.
This was the...
Was that the waffle one?
Oh, I liked that one.
The Brunch Buzz.
So that one for me, when I was like, when I first smelled it, you could totally pick up on the maple syrup and like the waffley pancake for me.
It was really good.
I loved it.
Yeah. That was fun.
It tasted like breakfast.
And of course, we like to go back to go forward again. So where did we pick these beers up? We happened to go down to Magic Bear on Wednesday night.
What a cool thing to go experience and see.
So if you are familiar with the German, I guess you would say, I don't know if ritual is like the right word for it, but it's what's called Bierstocken. And Bierstocken is the idea of a fiery hot poker in beer that will instantly caramelize the remaining malt sugars that are in beer. Very good with stouts, porters, certain ales.
So we went there to take part in that because I've never had a poked beer. Right. Me neither.
So Jax Abbey was there, Emily, got an opportunity to talk with her again. You got to meet Emily, who's the representative for Western New York. And we got to try the extra layers, which was featured in the barely getting started series nine that just finished up.
And so I got to have that beer now poked. And what I liked about it was when you did that in the caramelization of the sugars, it gave you a very different flavor profile. I feel like the ale was subtle.
Yeah. And I loved having the two, like the little sidecar, he was calling it, of the actual beer. So you could taste the difference of what happened when you poked the beer and what the actual beer tasted like, right, before you would do it.
And then you can just drink one, drink the other, drink the other, drink the other, so that you could really tell the difference. And there's honestly, it was, for me, it's a big difference. Not only did it warm the beer, and as we all know, beers change in flavor as they change temperature where, obviously, different beers should be served at different temperatures for that reason.
But it was really cool to have that exact beer. And not only would the temperature change, it changed the way it drank, the profile. For me, it was just, I couldn't believe it.
I really didn't think there would be that much of a difference. I just thought it would be a cool thing to watch, right, which I watched him do it so many times for everybody who was ordering a beer. And it was really neat to watch it just be done over and over.
And it was funny, because some of them really bubbled up, and some of them didn't. And I wasn't really paying attention to which one he was pouring, because you could do it to any of the other beers, because you didn't necessarily have to get one of the three of the Jax Abbey beers.
And he even did it to a Fruited Raspberry.
Yeah, the guy that I was talking to. Yeah, he did that Raspberry Stout one, or whatever that porter was. What was that one?
Well, maybe it was a Raspberry Porter.
I think it was.
I don't think it was a Fruited.
Yeah, because we had a taster of it.
Yep, okay.
And then that's what I was telling him. I said, oh, I just had this. It was good.
And he's like, well, I don't usually do the ones that are Fruited. Sure. And I was like, it's good, because it's just like a hint of raspberry.
Yeah, it changes up the sugars. Like I said, Jax Abbey Craft Lager was there. The extra layer, which we talked about from the Barely Getting Started episode.
They also did the samplings of Shipping Out of Boston. That's the other one that we had. And then they did the Smoke and Dagger, which was a smoked lager.
We didn't have that one, because we opted up for some Fruity options off of their 12 taps that they have there. So yeah, so we ended up picking up this four-pack. This 903 Brewers, this Brunch Buzz was part of that.
10% ABV, but just so flavorful, so good. And then we went from there. We moved on to beer.
We tried, and that pack was Gunner's Daughter Milk Stout.
I liked it. And it was funny, because what I tasted was not what you tasted.
Yeah, that was different. Comes from Mast Landing Brewing Company out of Westbrook, Maine. Supposed to be aromatic, balanced milk stout, peanut butter, coffee, dark chocolate.
And it's one of those ones that's, I don't know.
You were looking for sweet. And first of all, I had the peanut butter that I felt like that was what was lingering on my tongue. But dark chocolate is bitter.
So there would be no sweetness for me. I wasn't expecting it, though. You know what I mean?
Right. So I don't know. I liked it.
I thought it was good.
Yeah, I just, I don't know. Creamy? I don't know.
It was definitely creamy. There was nothing wrong with that. It's just, for me, it tasted flat.
Not flat as in the non-carbonated, but just the flavor itself was just kind of flat for me. I expected sweetness. Peanut butter wasn't as pronounced for me.
It wasn't as pronounced. It was just lingering for me. And then are we talking about the other beer that we have?
Right. And there's an audio insert that I'm going to put in with this because, but yeah, yes, definitely. I want you to take the reins on this one.
The Punchke beer?
Yeah. Oh my gosh. Punchke Stout from Buffalo Brewing Company.
Yeah. So I was so excited to go have this beer. So we made sure we did our hiking and then we headed out literally across town, nowhere near where we were, just to have this beer.
And it was delicious. And I was super excited. And then I said, we should get a Punchke to have with it.
Well, we forgot on Fat Tuesday. And then the day after we were busy and then I got a cold and so on and so forth. So then we stopped at a couple of stores and they had no Punchke.
And then today Jay ran to Wegmans and guess what they had? Punchke. So we actually were able to taste it with the beer.
And I was super, super, super excited because it was really the reason why I wanted to be able to take home some of it was because I wanted to see what the flavor was compared to when you were eating the actual donut itself. Right. So I shouldn't even call it a donut because it's like its own pastry.
But it was amazing. I loved it. And it really, really showed you that the flavor profile that they took to put into that beer was eating a Punchke.
Yeah, it really was. Blackcurrant, red raspberry. Then we had the red raspberry Punchke itself.
And then it just enhanced all the flavors. Like a flavor bomb went off in my mouth.
It was awesome. Yeah, did a fine job.
Yeah. You look at me all the time and you're like, what is hurting? Like, I'm going to give it to you.
I don't even know.
The one I always get from you is, you know, the place with the thing.
Oh, yeah, that's me. I will give you a description of like 15 things for you to guess what it is because I'm the worst. Sometimes I just make up my own name and people are like, that's not the name of that restaurant.
But like, I've made my own.
As we've heard previously on the podcast that you've done with different breweries as well.
Yeah, I know.
Hey, we're going to move into three that we brought with us into the podcast studio. But I want you to recap us on the trip that took place in, was it 2023 when we were in Ohio?
Yeah, not last year, the year before.
Yeah, for Thanksgiving weekend.
Yeah. So we're sitting on Double Wing Brewing Company's Butter Pecan Porter. It's the only porter that's going to be part of this.
Porter for the poor. So I guess you could say here, a little ASMR on that. That was a nice one.
Good job. But originally released in 2018. This beer is not that old.
Don't worry about that.
No, I brought it home only in 2023.
Yeah, late, late 23. But yeah, 5% ABV, 20 IBUs. And then you're talking about light and easy drinking with malty butter pecan flavor.
Oh, that was a good pour. Ladies first.
Thank you. Yeah. All right.
Very good. Cheers.
Still delicious.
I like it. It's light. Got that nutty flavor.
It kind of almost reminds me of a Nutty Buddy.
Okay. You know that cookie? Yep.
That's a good one.
The Nutty Buddy.
Nutter Butter.
Nutter Nutty. See, I make up my own.
Nutty Buddy was the ice cream cone that had like the chocolate in the tip and then...
I make up my own thing.
I don't even know.
So yeah, those cookies that were shaped like a peanut, like whatever.
Yeah, Nutter Butter.
Yeah. All right. Nutter Butter.
I mean, they're probably not going to want to hear that because they're like, we didn't make it with Nutter Butters. But it reminds me of that. It's okay.
Definitely. That's the taste for me.
This is fun though. I like it. Yeah.
Did we finish the winter hiking challenge?
We did. Yeah. So it's so funny.
So this winter hiking, we had these badges because we were doing... It's on an app now. And we did...
One of the badges was a snow miser when you had to hike below... What was it? 15 degrees?
Below 20. Below 20 degrees? Below 20.
Well, it was like 13 degrees and it felt even colder the day we did that.
And then last week, before I started to get really sick, it was a beautiful day, like 50 plus degrees.
55, yeah.
And we ran out to Reinstein afterward.
Heat miser. Right.
Threw a couple of miles in over there.
Yeah. So then we got a heat miser badge. And because of that, it wrapped up our hiking challenge.
Yeah. What makes me mad, I go through Reinstein all the time and all I want to do is just once, see an owl.
Just want to see an owl. Everybody sees them but us.
You're never going to see them.
Yeah. Friend of mine posted a picture on social media, owl sitting in a tree in her front yard in a residential neighborhood. I go through a wildlife preserve, I can't see an owl in a tree.
And people post a lot of pictures of them, like that they were there seeing them. Yeah. We never do.
And I was surprised because I thought maybe we would see them because it was like dusk. Right.
That's what I thought.
Because it was before, obviously the daylight savings thing just happened yesterday or last night or whatever. But so it was getting dark. And obviously that hiking place, whatever preserve closes at sundown.
So you can't stay there any later. But I was like, okay, well, the sun's going down, like maybe we'll see one. And we were kind of strolling, you know, because there were some ice and whatever.
And I didn't want to slip on top of like, you know, we just kind of, we did it as a nice easy hike because I was starting to not feel well. And so we saw some birds and a baby squirrel. That guy was funny.
He was full of words.
That dummy.
He was just yipping away.
But yeah, that was a fun time. But did you have a favorite hike that we did? Because we really didn't get started until we got back from the Caribbean.
Honestly, this year, I don't really have anything that stuck out for me personally. We don't talk about Letchworth at all. That's fine.
That is fine. Oh, that is fine. Well, the ice volcano.
I mean, I guess I just forgot that was a hike. Because for me, that was going to see the ice volcano. Yeah, we did a challenge hike.
But for me, I didn't think of that as going for a challenge hike. I said, Oh, let's go see the ice volcano. And we can do a challenge hike.
Which we did after we saw the ice volcano.
But I went for the ice volcano. Yeah, that's a park at the Glen Iris Inn. And then the ice volcano for those not in Buffalo in the western New York area.
It is a natural gravity fed underground fountain that goes throughout the year. It's constantly shooting water. And during the colder months, because we had months where temperature in the teens and low 20s.
It was cold.
So this water that was coming up from underground was just forming this ice volcano. That I mean, somebody was like, Oh, yeah, this thing's over 20 feet high. My butt.
This thing was easily 30, 40 feet. Oh, it was huge. I didn't expect it to be that big.
Like, honestly, I did it. And we drove up on it. I was like, Whoa, there it is.
Like, it was incredible. So it was really exciting. Come down off the hill around the turn.
And it's like, wow, right? Yeah. So I've been going to Letchworth for like 14 years now.
Yeah. And because it'll be our 15th year of camping this year. So yeah, so 14 years I've been going to Letchworth and I've never gone in the winter.
So we go every year in October. And I feel like Jay, you and I always hike in the summer. Like we do the summer challenge all the time.
We do the Finger Lakes one. We do hikes within Letchworth, but we're never there in the winter. So it was really, really cool to see like what it looks like.
My kind of like home away from home place. One of my favorite places to be in Western New York in the winter time. So yeah, that was really cool.
But again, I guess I just thought of that as not so much a hike because the hike was secondary on that one for me. But I was pretty excited to go out to Beaver Meadow and hike. And we met, what's the dinosaur?
Oh, Stella T-Rex.
Stella T-Rex, the dinosaur on that hike. And I had never met her before. So that was pretty cool.
That was fun.
She's awesome.
Just happened to catch on social media because she'll say once in a while.
And we were already going to that hike, which was the funniest thing.
I just, and I commented, I'm like, well, we'll be there. And next thing I know, I get a private message. And it's like, hey, you know, I'll be available at this time.
Meet me at the challenge point.
Yeah. So we're like, all right, cool. So Jay and I did our own little kind of like not challenge hike, hike kind of out the other way.
And then we, I, you know, forced him to take some cool pictures and, you know, whatever. I'm like, I'm going to sit here by the frozen lake. Take a picture of me.
Upper Falls, Middle Falls. We went down to Inspiration Point, a little beyond Inspiration Point. We didn't want to go all the way down toward lower because that's quite the climb to come up out of there.
And especially in the winter time, I can't imagine what that climb would have been like. I mean, we had enough problem getting from Inspiration Point back down to Middle Falls.
There's a lot of ice.
A lot of ice going on. Yeah. Yeah.
So that was, that was, that was fun. Beaver Meadow is always a great place for us to hike. You know, we made a, I mean, we always make a, you know, a fun, they, when they put in the new, I guess the pink trail is, those markers were pink, right?
I think so. I mean, I'm the colorblind guy. So maybe sometimes I get that wrong too.
Who knows? But they put in a pink bypass trail that goes right along the road. Because they don't want you to walk on the road.
Yeah. I like that a lot.
And there's no shoulder. And it's, you know, it's, it's tough the way those, that the road is right there. You don't want somebody to come around the corner and not see you on the shoulder of the road.
I can't say that because there is no shoulder. It's literally just.
There's like a small one, but.
I get what you're saying.
Yeah. And then took a little loop up by where the pavilion is on top of Tulip Point. And then back around and out, you know, made for a fun start to that day.
We went into East Aurora. It went into 189 Burger.
Tried a new whiskey that we fell in love with.
That's right.
Yeah. What is that called again? I'm going to mess it up.
See, that's why I brought my computer down here. Oh, so Jay was like looking up, they had a whole huge list of whiskeys. And because it's March, I was like, oh, we should try one of these Irish ones.
I wonder which one would be going. Red Breast 12. That's what it was.
Red Breast 12. So he was reading a bunch of descriptions and whatever on all of these online while we were just like waiting for our food to come.
And oh, there's some more. And so we decided to try this one. And it was delicious.
Like so delicious. I was like, where can we find this? Because I want to buy this delicious.
Right. And you know, I'm a big lover of Jameson. That's one of my favorites.
So yeah, I thought it was good. And we tasted another one that we actually picked up at the liquor store in a taster bottle. And what was that?
That Telemann or Telemann Dew?
Telemann Dew. And I was not a fan.
No, I was.
And it wasn't one that I would have chosen anyway. Right. Like by the description.
But we figured, you know what? It's in one of those like little $2, $2.99, whatever it was, taster bottle.
Yeah, the ones you see at the register. Yeah.
So we were like, all right, let's just try it. And then we can say we did. We can say we did.
Right. That's about it for me.
Yeah, we ended up with a few new ones. We were at 189 Burger, tried some Irish whiskey, had some burgers. Then we went out and busted some serious butt at Hunter's Creek.
Oh, that was a hard hike for sure. And I feel like we may have made it harder, but whatever, we put our spikes on.
That's right.
We just did it.
Yeah, it was just a little tricky with the ice. You get in certain parts of the woods where that sun from the thaw hadn't gotten in there. And it just makes for like an ice slope, like boom.
Yeah, that was a little rough. And then we ended up on the mountain biking trails, which looped and didn't come out where we needed them to come out. So after looking at the map, we're like, well, we can double all the way back and around.
And we're like, eh.
And I said, or we can go this way.
Right. Which turned into quite the adventure. Quite the climb up, about a good 30 degrees.
That's fine. That was good. All in the name of adventure.
Right. We didn't have to go hands and feet.
Yeah. We got up out of there just fine. And we didn't break through the ice when we crossed over the water.
So that was fine. How many times did we cross the water?
Maybe three times, four times?
Yeah. So it was good. I mean, I think we did a good job.
But yeah, challenge complete. And then before we do anything else, we're going to get you back to healthy here so that we can get ready for things. Because I mean, May 1st is going to be here before we know it.
And then it'll be the summer challenge that'll run all the way through November.
I thought you were going to be like, and then we're on vacation again.
Right. Well, before we talk about that, what we're going to do here, we're going to open up another one here. And this is our, this is the stout to end all stouts in our opinion.
I'm shocked you did this next. And you said you had three? Well, yeah, this is the second one here.
So beautiful.
Yeah. But this is a scale house, peanut butter stout. We've talked about multiple times on the podcast.
This is literally this. Yeah. It's just, it's everything that you expect.
I mean, just that aroma alone on wonderful.
If you are a peanut butter lover, this is like a peanut butter lovers dream.
Oh, this is a dream. Yeah, for sure. You go to scale house for three reasons.
One is meatballs, the wood fired pizzas and the peanut butter stout.
I mean, they have other beers and we've tried them, but no matter what, even if we're trying another beer, we also get a pour of the peanut butter stout.
This will always be in our, if we run out, it'll be the next trip that we make out there. We will be refilling or figuring out what store we can pick it up at because it's something that always has to be in our cooler. Yeah, it's wonderful.
The numbers I had on this 5.5%, so very traditional level stout, dark amber in appearance, a little bit, just like the lightest of spice to it. And then obviously that peanut butter just jumps right out.
Oh yeah, for sure.
Yeah, this is wonderful. I can't say enough great things about it. Yeah.
If I had a pick of this, you know, of stouts, it's this one it's, and then I think maybe in that same category, I mean, might be Mary James Vale from Upstate Brewing. Couple of our favorite.
I love that one too. Isn't that like hazelnut? That's hazelnut.
Yeah, that's a delicious one too. I love when they can like have like kind of the richness of tasting like a dessert.
I think that's when I really like, you know, stouts. Yeah.
Right. Well, let's see what else do we have we got going on here? We came off of the cruise.
We have the success of the two Pirates, or podcast of the Caribbean, two episodes. Well, we booked another cruise. That's right.
Where are we going for this one?
Oh, why do you do this to me? Puts me on the spot. It's fun.
And I never remember. So we're going to Carousel. We're going to Aruba.
We're going back to Jamaica. But a different spot in Jamaica. So kind of like the other side of the island.
We're going back to the Dominican way far away from where we were the last time we were at the Dominican side of the opposite south side of the island, like almost to the border of Haiti. So that'll be like a whole different area. And then back to our favorite spot.
Grand Cayman.
Heck yeah. I cannot wait. I legit cannot wait.
I feel like when I was there, I didn't want to leave. And I'm thrilled to go back.
And just like we said on the episode.
So exciting.
We're going to go there and we're going to kind of build our own adventure.
Yeah. I don't know if I want to do an excursion. I did see that we're there for a long period of time.
So maybe we'll look at a shorter excursion to do so that we have just a lot of time to wander around. Or now we know that no one's cheating you, no one's going to do anything bad because the island is so strict. You know what I mean?
So now you kind of feel safe about doing some things like hopping in a taxi and going to places or just walking down the street for miles, which we could do because we are hikers and we can just go for miles. So I'm excited. Yeah.
We've had a lot of fun with travels. And for you, for somebody who hasn't gone to, I should say prior to 2023, you had never been to any country outside of the US except Canada. Yeah.
So you've ticked quite a few off of the list so far.
And now I just want to go everywhere. Now I'm so excited. Now we have a cruise booked and I want to go here and I want to go there and I'm just starting to make my list.
It's always hard to believe that you get on a ship and you go across the ocean for a couple of days and they're like, oh, we're here. And you just look at a map. You can literally look at your GPS pin and go, wow, we are way out here.
Yeah. I know. It's so fun.
And you just don't realize that because you're busy partying. You know, you're at the dance parties, you're eating amazing food. You know, you're having these fun cocktails and cool drinks and talking to cool people and fun stories and yeah.
This is, you know, it's been fun getting, having the opportunity to travel. Our concierge. So I've been, you know, with the Norwegian account for a couple of years.
So we've had a few concierges, but this new one. Stephanie. Yeah.
Stephanie. She was a big help. Still can't say enough great things.
Great military and veterans program. If you're active duty or a veteran retired. And then if you're part of that program, food and drink to us, top notch.
For sure. Great entertainment. It's a great fleet of boats.
And, you know, we had that discussion and she hooked us up with a fantastic deal.
Yeah. You just can't say no. And the numbers keep like going into a perfect figure, you know, for a great room with, you know, all the food, alcohol package, everything.
Yeah. And I follow certain influencers on social media that are like, they're literally cruise social media influencers.
Oh, I mean, we looked at all these boats on YouTube for what people posted. Like I wandered this ship, blah, blah, blah, blah. And this is kind of how we picked what ship we were going to go on.
And that's something that we would recommend. I mean, we're not becoming cruise influencers, but there will be some videos from us in the future because it's just, I don't know. It's just something.
I love to be able to see it. To know what to choose. In our case, like we're going to be on the Norwegian Star.
So we had the choice between the Star and the Dawn. So we just went to YouTube and looked at not only the professionals that run travel agencies and who do professional content, because this is what they do for a job. But we go to the amateur hours too.
You know, the people who are like, this is a review of, you know, this ship, you know, whatever, suite 11295. And you go in there and it's like, it's, you know, it's like from their eyes and their opinion on what they think of things.
Right. And honestly, you know, sometimes the travel agents will make it seem better than it is because they're trying to sell you something.
So then when you see that somebody who's just a person, like record something and really show you if their opinion is great, now you feel like, okay, this has to be a good one. You know? Exactly.
But yeah, but it's cool because then you can find the room layouts. You can find, you know, what kind of restaurants, because in Norwegian, I feel like most of the restaurants are the same. We have found from each like ship to ship.
There's just like a little bit of a difference, but the one difference that I'm noticing is the bars, like the specialty bars are different on each one. So that kind of gets me excited about going on a new ship because like this particular one we were just on had a martini bar. And we didn't have that on the first ship we went on.
And now this next ship we're going on has a champagne bar, which means they just have like cocktails that are more like, I don't know, more, what do you want to call that? Like more into, I can't even think of the word right now. It's medicine head.
But like, you know, the martini.
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